2000L Wine Storage Tank for Winery
A 2000-liter tank can hold a substantial amount of wine, making it suitable for medium to large wineries. Wineries often use multiple tanks of various sizes to accommodate different batches and wine varieties.
A 2000-liter wine storage tank is a valuable asset for wineries looking to produce and store significant quantities of wine. Winemakers can adapt their tank usage based on the wine variety, style, and desired characteristics they aim to achieve.
Product details
A 2000-liter wine storage tank is a common vessel used in wineries for the fermentation and aging of wine. the wine storage tank is a significant piece of equipment for a winery, and it plays a crucial role in the winemaking process
Advantage for our wine storage tank:
Wine storage tanks is made of AISI 304 quality stainless steel, an updated to AISI 316L stainless steel is available for high-corrosion environments. Sanitary construction with 100% TIG welded joints and seams with sanitary interior polish. the tank comes with a flat, sloped bottom, paired with the large, rectangular door, the discharge of the sloped tanks is made easy
Standard product features:
• Stainless steel 304/316L
• Conical centric top
• Sample valve
• CIP – rotary spray ball
• Wine outlet and drain outlet assembly
• Tank can be with cooling jacket and PU insulation
• Fully welded cladding
• Side manway
• RTD Probe
• 2″ Butterfly valves
• Sloped bottom
• 2″ PVRV
• Ladder Rack
• Bimetallicthermometer
• Liquid level tube